VCs in DWNs
In this guide, we'll cover how to write a Verifiable Credential (VC) to a Decentralized Web Node (DWN), how to retrieve that stored VC by querying the DWN for it, and lastly how to parse the VC into a format that your application can work with.
Storing VC in DWN​
To store a VC in a DWN, you need to create a record with the VC data. The VC should already be created and in a signed JWT format. This is what that would look like:
const { record } = await web5.dwn.records.create({
data: signedVcJwt,
message: {
schema: 'EmploymentCredential',
dataFormat: 'application/vc+jwt',
// (optional) immediately send record to users remote DWNs
const { status } = await record.send(userDid);
represents a signed VC JWT. The schema
property should be the same as the VC type, and dataFormat
specifies the format of the VC which is application/vc+jwt
Querying VC From DWN​
To retrieve a stored VC from a DWN, you can use the records.query()
const response = await web5.dwn.records.query({
from: userDid,
message: {
filter: {
schema: 'EmploymentCredential',
dataFormat: 'application/vc+jwt',
const signedVcJwt = await response[0].data.text();
This will access the first record matching the filters you specified, schema
and dataFormat
Keep in mind that this will return a JWT string, which can be converted to a readable JSON object.
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