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Verify a Credential

There are numerous factors to determine a credential's validity. Verifiers will ultimately define their own unique criteria for determining validity from a range of possibilities:

  • Signature Verification - Has it been signed by the issuer? If so, has the signature been tampered with?
  • Credential Status - Is it still active, and not revoked or suspended?
  • Credential Validity - Has it expired?
  • Credential Issuer - Is the issuer trusted for the claims they're attesting to?
  • Credential Evidence - Is there evidence supporting the claims being made?
  • Credential Schema - Does it conform to a schema defined in the credentialSchema property?
  • And more...

Determining the validity of a VC can be a complex topic. The data model itself has guidance on validity checks, and a separate section on validation, which provide even more information for implementers to consider.

Stateless Verification​



Follow guide to Run SSI Service

As a part of SSI Service, /v1/credentials/verification is used as a stateless utility to verify any credential.

To verify a VC, run the follow command after replacing the credentialJWT value with the one from the credential you're validating:

curl -X PUT localhost:8080/v1/credentials/verification -d '{
"credentialJwt": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImtpZCI6ImRpZDprZXk6..."

Upon success the following response should be returned:

"verified": true

The request above performs the following verification process:

✅ Make sure the credential is complaint with the VC Data Model

✅ Make sure the credential is not expired

✅ Make sure the signature of the credential is valid (currently supports both JWT and some Linked Data credentials)

✅ Make sure its data complies with the credential schema if one exists (note: the schema must be hosted within the service)

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